
Chakra Healing Stones – Root Chakra

The Root Chakra – Muladhara, as it is known in Sanskrit – is the first of what we commonly refer to as the Seven Chakras. With its strong, raw feminine quality, it is the seat of Kundalini, a source of pranic (life-force) energy, lying coiled at the base of the spine. Resonating with the colour red, it is connected to our sense of grounding, stability and security, independence, our basic instincts toward survival – the need for food, water, shelter, and safety – and our ‘fight or flight’ responses.

When the Root Chakra is in balance, we feel calm, safe and secure within ourselves, and at ease, comfortable in the world around us. We may experience a sense of interconnectedness with the earth, and one another.

We have confidence to change and grow, and to develop feelings of self-reliance, based on our ability to trust, to think clearly, allowing us the freedom to focus on taking care of our immediate needs. We find the courage  to act boldly, to be fearless, and within that space, live a life full of vitality, passion, with a spirit of abundance and optimism.

An unbalanced or blocked Root Chakra can manifest in many ways. We may experience emotional issues – excess anger or aggression, insecurity, feelings of scarcity, lack, and being unsupported, or a desire to run, fleeing from the things we fear, instead of facing them with determination and confidence. Unhappiness, stagnation, and a loss of exuberance or zest for life are signals of an unhealthy Root Chakra.

As the Root Chakra governs the lower body, physical symptoms of imbalance can mean lower back and leg pain, weight issues, digestive discomfort, coldness in the extremities, and lethargy.

Since it’s the base or foundation for the chakra system, if the Root is misaligned, it is nearly impossible to bring the rest of the chakras into balance. Therefore, if we are to become fully aligned, it’s imperative to the return Root to a healthy, cleansed, and open state first.

There are many ways to open and clear a blocked Root Chakra. Walking in nature, putting our feet in or lying on the grass – sometimes called ‘earthing’ – moving and dancing, adopting a regular yoga practice, and meditation are some of the ways to clear and bring the Root chakra back into alignment.

Healing stones and crystals can be extremely helpful, especially when used in tandem with other chakra balancing exercises.

Stones that resonate with the Root Chakra are usually dark in colour – black, brown, and grey share an affinity with the earth – though it is most often associated with the colour red.

There are many stones and crystals you can use to cleanse and bring your Root Chakra back into alignment. Here are a few suggestions…


Red Jasper is a stone most often associated with the Root Chakra. It’s vibration is gentle and nurturing, inspiring feelings of peace, comfort, and calm, and it is an excellent mood stabilizer.  Nonetheless, it is powerful, for it energizes inactive or listless parts of the  body, allowing life-force energy to flow unfettered, and encourages the awakening of Kundalini.

A stone of empowerment, it helps us develop healthy boundaries, wisdom, and resistance to the emotional influence of others, and can assist those of us with a deeply seated fear of abandonment. Red Jasper purifies the lower chakras, pulling negative or stagnant energy downward, rooting it solidly in the earth, while drawing Mother Earth’s grounding energy upward through the body.

Wearing a piece of jewellery, using stones in our surroundings, or carrying a pocket stone is an excellent way to ensure the healing, calming energy of Red Jasper is always in our presence. Meditating with a stone placed on the Root Chakra, while visualizing the colour red or repeating its mantra – LAM – can also return it to an open, clear state.


Activating and purifying the Root chakra, Smokey Quartz draws light through the Crown, down the body, and anchors it firmly into the ground, connecting to Mother Earth. It is a powerful stone, which absorbs negative energy, relieves stress and anxiety, and helps us release jealousy and painful wounds. Using it can enhance our relationship to our environment, and the world around us, removing the doubt and worry that often binds us when faced with chaos or confusion. Smokey Quartz points, held in each hand, placed on the Root Chakra, or between the feet, with the points facing downward, will channel negativity, uneasiness, and fear, releasing the energies into the earth for cleansing. A talisman or bracelet made of Smokey Quartz can serve as a tool for remaining grounded and protected throughout daily life.

Smokey Quartz is also strongly tied to the Earth Star Chakra, a part of the etheric body, lying 12-18” below the feet, connecting directly to the core of the earth. This is the bedrock for the chakra system, and metaphysically connects us to both the earth, and the whole of humanity. Meditating outside, visualizing the colour of this chakra creating a bubble around us, black or brown, can allow us to experience the unshakeable grounding effect of the Earth Star Chakra.


Fire Agate awakens the Root Chakra, sparking our inner fire, inspiring a zest for life and all its pleasures – we feel good to be alive. It grounds us firmly in the physical world, so we can come into the body with fullness, and is ideal for those who feel Earth is not ‘home’. When we feel stagnant, negative, uncreative, and lacking personal strength, meditation with or carrying Fire Agate can break us out of this state, revving up any low or latent energies, and generating a heat that inspires us toward motivation and fearlessness.


Try this Root Chakra meditation while using Fire Agate:

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Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful grounding stones for the Root Chakra, as it dispels toxic emotions – anger, shame, fear, judgement of self and others, worry and anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness. Highly protective, it clears our auric field of imbalance, releases energetic blockages, and shields us from negativity within our surroundings, particularly destructive energy, such as psychic attack – negative energy directed at us by others – or the presence of an ‘energy vampire’, which can leave us drained, and feeling off-kilter.

Meditation with Black Tourmaline is an excellent way to cleanse and purify the Root Chakra. A single or double terminated stone, pointed toward the feet, will enhance the energy flow through our crystalline body, and gridding multiple stones around the body will help release negativity. The addition of Smokey Quartz or Hematite will increase the stone’s grounding and protective effects.


One of the most effective stones for grounding ourselves into the body and the physical world, Hematite is connected to the Root Chakra, and its use aligns the whole chakra system, strengthening our connection to the earth, pulling wayward energies down through the meridians to be released. It provides us with mental clarity, neutralizing feelings of spaciness, distraction, and overwhelm, and often, simply holding it will immediately bring in a sense of balanced centredness, making us feel safe and secure, calming a troubled or worried mind.

Carrying or wearing a piece of Hematite is one of the best ways to keep its grounding, protective energy surrounding us throughout the day. An earthing meditation – laying on the grass, stones on the chakra, at or below the feet, and in each hand, while focusing on negative energy and blockages flowing out into Mother Earth – can re-align the Root Chakra, and have a stabilizing effect on our physical and spiritual bodies.

A properly aligned Root Chakra will help us create a healthy mind, body, and soul balance, strengthening our feelings of groundedness, stability, and fearlessness, especially in moments of stress or confusion. Adding any of the healing stones above to grounding practices, either alone or in combination with one another, will help us come back to centre more easily. Spending a bit of time each day focusing on clearing and releasing negativity and worry, will maintain the balance of this all-important energy centre.

Be well and loved,  namaste!


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By | 2022-11-05T11:10:04+00:00 June 17th, 2019|Healing&Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation|0 Comments

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