
Nurturing life with Nodes changing signs Cancer (NN) – Capricorn (SN) on November 6th, 2018

When the Nodal Axis will change signs in Cancer (North Node) – Capricorn (South Node) on November 6th, 2018, concepts like family, parenting, mothering, ancestors, femininity, food, nurturing will be the focus of the next year and a half until May 5th, 2020. In general, the Nodes describes karma or closure and the signs that are transiting signify the nature and the energy that we would need to align to in order to be able to navigate and transcend all the lessons we will be challenged with during this period.

The most affected by this transit will be the ones that have personal planets such as (Sun, Ascendant or Moon) in cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Also, significant changes will happen for those that were born under this Nodal configuration: May 12, 1944 – Dec 3, 1945 * Dec 24, 1962 – Aug 25, 1964 * Sep 25, 1981 – Mar 16, 1983 * Apr 10, 2000 – Oct 13, 2001.

The North Node has been in Leo from 2017-2018 and this has been about opening our hearts, living in our hearts, bravely and fearlessly and authentically expressing ourselves in order to build authentic community.

But now, with North Node in Cancer we will all benefit collectively by initiating nurturance, initiating emotions, initiating care, initiating coziness, initiating core healing. It’s about wanting to be at home and nurture our soul and family, cultivate land and wanting to honor self-love.

Success is ultimately not counted in numbers but in love, health, happiness, knowledge, a beautiful world with a future. It’s about creating a new social structure that honours the feminine, the mother and father, from the family we were born into or have build to a world family.

Permaculture, entheogens, shamanism, plant-based food, will be the Paradise that most of us will be drown to and cherish during this time.

HOME will be a concept that people will want to find meaning to and define by asking honestly what we call home and when/where we feel at home as this is not merely a place in space but mostly a feeling that we want to connect to. Something that will trigger this feeling will help us reach this state with more ease and it can be anything from: books, nature, food, music, art, friends, travelling etc.

Look for Sun, Moon and Ascendant (if known) to see a general description of how the Nodal change will affect each sign of the zodiac during this transit. For a more in-depth analysis, the entire natal chart should be consulted.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your Career and Home. You will now be triggered to balance wisely the two environments, focusing more on the home one especially if you have neglected it in the last years. You might be changing homes, buying or moving into a new place as a result of a relationship or a work relocation. It’s a good time to connect to your mother or the maternal line especially if you have any unresolved issues surrounding your childhood. You could also decide to become a parent during this time and make the necessary plans for that. Also, regarding the carrier, you could very well stay in the same position and let go of some of the responsibilities so that you could dedicate more of your time and energy to the home environment. This period is a rebalancing of your feminine and masculine energies, it’s about connecting to your inner world more than to your outer word of expansion. You might find out by the end of this transit that your thirst for worldly success was nothing else than a result of a lack that you were feeling inside. Once this lack has been made aware by reconnecting to your inner world, the way you perform in public or at work might change completely.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your communication, studies, travels and life philosophy. In order to be able to balance these sectors of life you need to focus more on better communicating your feelings, nurturing your feeling when they arise. You could also be drawn to study some form of self development course on emotional self mastery or travelling to places that you felt called in the past to but did not listen to your hunches until now. All these aspects will affect and improve the way you look at life and the way you connect to your feelings or the feeling of others.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your resources, money, values and other’s people values and assets. In order to navigate this time with ease, you would need to connect to the way you look and feel about your own resources and skills. In order to properly value other people’s resources, you would need to develop an internal and clear view regarding your own values and resources. You might want to change the way you look at your own talents by connecting more to your feelings so that you have a more authentic view of what might be limiting you in some way by creating a low self esteem. It’s not advisable to borrow money from the bank or sign contracts that will make you the administrator or manager of somebody’s else’s assets. Also, some previously signed contracts with such institutions/persons can end during this time.  You need a clearer view of the situation you currently have in your court before you can commit to a proper form of sharing assets.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of self image, relationship with yourself and others. This would be a time when you need to balance the relationship you have with yourself and others by focusing more on the self and knowing yourself better. In this way your relationships with your spouse, business partners will improve and change for the better. However, it can also be a time of letting go of a current partner or spouse in order to make room for a more authentic connection with another individual. By giving yourself more time and energy, you create a space that you will attract meaningful life situations and/or partners but before that you might need to sacrifice some current relationships and/or a image about yourself that it no longer in alignment with your higher good – it might have been something that helped you until now but from this point forward it would just create a barrier to your own evolution.


The nodal change will manifest in the areas of daily chores, health, work and realm of God of other dimensions, the subconscious. This transit will make you want to retreat (spend alone time away from the world) in order to reconnect to a Higher Power or Purpose. It’ s great time to dig more into those skeletons in the closets that are festering into your subconscious and don’t let you have a peaceful and meaningful life. By doing that you will connect with other dimensions and realms and establish a connection that can create a safe bay whenever life seem to go haywire and feel unbalanced. By doing this first you will also find that your daily life will become easier to handle and work/chores will become a way for you to put your new findings into action. Because of this redirection, you might find that your daily life needs to change somehow, starting with the way you look at your health, your diet or work situation.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of creativity, children, love life and community or groups. For Virgos this is a time to first focus on developing a community or a group of people that share the same vision and you can authentically connect with on an emotional level. It’s a time when building a community will feed your soul with a new perspective so that you can be able to achieve your most intimate dreams and aspirations. You might need to sacrifice some creative ideas that you thought they would benefit you on the long term but with this transit you will find out they are not so sustainable so you will need to change your initial approach. For those that have children, you might need to let them “fly” at some point during this transit, either because they wish to be more independent and live alone or want to relocate for different reasons: school, love, job, etc


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your Career and Home. You will now be triggered to balance wisely the two environments, focusing more on the carrier and social status especially if you have neglected it too much in the last years. You might be moving from a current home place, however new opportunities will manifest on the carrier side: advancements in the work place, moving departments or just starting a new carrier/business. This period is a re-balancing of your feminine and masculine energies, so see where you are putting to much focus and re-balance the other side: Am I connected to my inner world or I spend most of my time and energy on the outside? Also, you might encounter challenges with your relatives on your paternal side of the family or mother depending of who was the dominant one in your family of birth. It’s a cleaning and balancing period of ancestral baggage so situations regarding relatives’ properties or assets can be brought into discussion and this period can even signify the passing of a relative.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your studies, travels and life philosophy. You will need to focus on what is your current life philosophy and what beliefs no longer serve your highest good. This could be a good period to start a new long-term career study (university, college, master, etc) or a long term trip/retreat that you’ve been planning to do but did not have the time/money to do it; by following this path, you will easily find out what new life concepts and what current beliefs are still beneficial to you or not on your evolution. Give more time and energy to these aspects nurturing your soul with knowledge from different sources and you will see how your direct communication and way of interacting with others will change for the better.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of your resources, values and other’s people values and assets. This is the best time to appreciate and value what others bring into your life and how their “richness” talents and resources are benefiting you in so many ways. By doing that you open a channel of gratitude that will attract the same skills and resources into your life, provided that you wish that and are open to receive them. On the other hand, it’s a time when your sense of power over other people’s belongings and assets will be tested as having access to them can trigger an unconscious program of power play and manipulation and if you fell into this vibration and are not aware of these energies, they will affect you on the long run. However, if there is a mutual sharing and receiving, the energy will be balancing and fulfilling for everyone involved.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of self image, relationship with yourself and others. For Capricorn, in order for things to run smoothly and integrate these transits fully, you would need to direct your attention towards your relationship with others, life partner, business and even your competition or enemies. You will need to know and nurture these relationships first before you give to yourself directly. Actually, by learning and focusing on the other, it will mirror back an understanding and provide the awareness of what you like your relationships to be and what you need to change in case you don’t like the current situation. There is a possibility of closing relationships that no longer serve you and start new ones that are more in tune with who you are becoming.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of daily chores, health, work and realm of God of other dimensions, the subconscious. You will need to manage and connect more to the areas of daily chores and work versus the other realms or God. It’s a time of grounding the creative energies into the daily life so make sure you build a proper space in order to channel and implement them in your life. Reserve some time also for health check ups and be aware of your diet, work on changing any unbalances that are found as this may lead to complications on the long run.


The nodal change will manifest in the sectors of creativity, children, love life and community, groups or long-term goals. For these people the universe is telling them to focus on their creativity, what you love to do. Our creative expression can manifest in different forms on earth, from creative projects, art, children and so on. By investing more time and energy to this aspect of life you will notice changes also on your social life and long-term goals as these are linked and undivided by nature – they work together hand in hand – the balancing of these energies will provide a constant flow of fulfillment and nurturing by creating and sharing with others.

General advice: Reconnect to your inner child and let your emotions flow, nurture yourself and others by creating a safe space to be more open and vulnerable.


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By | 2022-11-05T11:19:52+00:00 October 30th, 2018|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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