
Tarot spread for 2019 – Intuitive interpretation

Every end of year, I chose to do a tarot spread to see how the next year will unfold. Thus, for 2019, I made a tarot spread for each month that will give some general insight on how the energy will manifest for all of us and what is to be expected in terms of opportunities and/or outcomes.

The start of the year will ask from us to take charge of our lives, responding with courage to any opportunities that we are presented with or be ready to set in motions plans that we want to act on. Possibility of making last minute travels, manifesting or committing to new ideas and meeting interesting people. There will be time for negotiations and arrangements regarding financial matters in a current or new partnership, expressing one’s ideas, setting goals and working on a common vision.

Around March there will be a time when we may be guided to explore a spiritual, therapeutic or cultural project. It’s a period where our emotional and artistic nature will speak louder and will attract corresponding situations in our life. So, expect being drawn more to: music, performing arts, publishing, any artistic endeavors or exhibitions.

Then, there will be a time where we need to balance our inner and outer nature (feminine and masculine) so that we give birth to a new creation in our life, be it a new creative project or just allowing your Creative self to emerge from this balancing. You may need to resolve some type of contradicting or opposing factors while sustaining a harmonious and peaceful approach to this situation. Being aware that in the process of creation, both sides are needed, there will be nothing else that is required for you to do except to hold the space for magic and alchemy to manifest.

Further into the year, we might be tempted to develop a feeling of stability and/or security that will allow us to feel more rooted and more grounded. Make sure you are not starting to desire accumulating more and more material possessions as this will lead to a false sense of security – true security is an inner feeling. During the month of June, there will also be a need to connect more to our feminine nature and have a more passive approach to life that will allow us to feel stronger and more fertile so that we can have a healthy process of decision making and action. We need to be more aware of our dreams and intuition around this time.

By July and August, we would have reached the middle of our year long journey when we may be put into situations of facing challenges, feelings of defensiveness and getting tired along the way. Take a break, rest but don’t stop even if you think the odds are against you, you are at the point of bringing yourself to the cross-line of your wishes or goals. Burn out can occur at this time and feelings of trying to quit. This is the moment where you are being initiated into knowing how to let go of the past, how to transform and what needs to die in your life in order for something new to emerge; we often have to die to our old ways of thinking, feeling or behaving before we can open to our new life.

Right after these moments of transformation and purging, around the month of October, we are to see our fruits and dreams coming true, the progress we have done, the emotional maturity that came with all the lessons we were faced with during the year. We experience true fulfillment and emotional independence – make sure you appreciate your achievements, blessings and the people that helped or joined forces with you along the journey.

By the end of the year, in the months of November and December, there’s a time of true responsibility when we have the wisdom of achieving what we wish as well as taking time to enjoy our fruits, we need to be aware now not to be over consumed by greed, the lack of inhibitions, the materialist word or the rampant consumerism as they are the main activities which threatens to destroy the planet. A great time to accept full responsibility for our life and the way we live it. By the end of the year we will be fully equipped to feel creative, confident, strong willed and ready to feel the call of sharing our fruits with the less fortunate one, through doing voluntaries or charitable work.

Note that this a general interpretation of the energies for the next year. People can feel and integrate these energies differently depending on their own level of consciousness. Some of us can act on these changes of energies while others can just be led by them without really being conscious. This interpretation, can differ based on each person and life situation and a personal interpretation for the new year would help provide more in depth. For that you can book your session with me in the link provided.

Last but not least, I asked the Oracle to provide a message for each zodiac sign in 2019. Here is the oracle interpretation for each sign (look for Sun, Moon and Ascendant):

Aries – Creativity

Creativity power surrounds you this year and seeks expression through you. If you are ready to embrace this force let go of self judgment and doubt. Allow the colors and the voice of your soul to manifest though you. Get in touch with your inner child that is connected to your divine self and love unconditionally.

Taurus – Enchantment

The call for you is to slow down and smell the roses, see and feel the beauty that surrounds you, look at the stars and feel the breeze caress your face, the glow of the sun and sense the earth beneath your feet. Think of someone and send them your blessings, love and light. Observe the changing seasons, the sunrise, dew drops of the morning, rainbow, a smile or kind gesture – the little and simple things of life that are so important to reconnect with. Despite all of the chaos of the word, the pain and suffering the world is still an amazing place – the sky, the earth, the universe and the cycles of life and you above all are amazing.

Gemini – Retreat

The energy of this year is asking you to slow down and rest. Take a break as you are working and trying too hard. If things are currently not working or not manifesting in your life it doesn’t mean that you are doing something wrong, some things take time to manifest. So, clear your mind of the thoughts you have clouded it with and just relax and let the sun shine on you knowing that all is well when the timing is right.

Cancer – Listening

Be ready this year to be more connected to the spiritual word as you are ready to reactive message from your higher self or from a loved one that has passed onto the spirit world. This information with shed a light on something important to you. During this year, relax and switch off from the outside world from time to time so that you can pay more attention to your intuitive mind and the feelings that flow through your heart. When the time is right you will have a clear answer and it will be often when you least expect it.

Leo – Embrace

New opportunities are coming your way but in order to understand and grasp you need to accept and embrace the many aspects of your personality. In order to embrace all, you may be shown the things you do not like about yourself (usually the things you try to hide from others, feel uncomfortable about and/or ashamed of) as well as the things you like. This would mean that this year you will be faced with the challenge of working with your shadow self. You can start with a simple exercise of listing the qualities that you have as well of the flaws of your character and make note of two positives and two negatives for each character trait. With practice, you will realize that every positive has its negative and vice versa. They both have value in your life and when you accept that you will feel more whole and you’ll be ready to grasp the new opportunities that life has to offer.

Virgo – The Gateway

This year a chapter in your life is closing and a new one begins. Just surrender the past gracefully and trust the cycle of life. Remember that Spring follows winter and each Spring it’s a new rebirth. Trust the sacred feeling in your own heart as even in sad times, a great light shines from within you. Be grateful for everything; for all that has been and all that is still to come.

Libra – Sorrow

All emotions, even painful ones offer us a gift. Sometimes, we don’t realize how precious something is until it’s gone. Yet, consider that nothing is ever truly lost, for in the realm of spirit all exists eternally. The events from this life are just a fleeting moment within our eternal reality. You will start now, to appreciate friends and family more. Feel the unconditional love that is around you as at the soul level we are all united and connected to all creation. Everyone has their role and the role keeps changing for life on Earth is like a play – in the palm of God we live and die only to discover that it was all a dream. The play goes on and on as every sorrow will be filled with happiness.

Scorpio – Transmutation

You will undergo a time of deep spiritual change. Creative and healing energies surround you as old habits and patterns are being transformed at a deep inner level. You will thus experience a renewed sense of well-being and creativity that will have a lasting and positive impact on your life. Listen to music, meditate, imagine yourself bathed in golden light and the violet flame as these activities will help you during these times of change. Imagine how the past is transforming and bless it, embracing the changes that are taking place.

Sagittarius – Golden Memories

A dear person will be thinking fondly of you reflecting on the golden memories from the past that you spent together. He or she is a dear person that has passed into the world of the spirit. They want to send you love and let you know that time and space cannot separate that which is united through love, for the loving presence of those we love is always with us. A part of them lives in our hearts and a part of us lives in theirs. We will all leave our physical body but never the spirit.

Capricorn – Soul Mate

Remember this year that Love is the divine and universal energy of life. It is alive, intelligent and in constant communication with all of creation. When love calls you, go to her. Search for love no matter where the journey takes you. Somewhere another soul is in search of you and it’s filled with longing. Today’s longing becomes tomorrow’s joy, until then you will meet within your dreams. If you’re already with your soul mate then it is a reminder to treasure and be grateful for the love you share with your beloved.

Aquarius – The Mystic

This is a time to awaken the sleeping psychic within. These qualities which you have already possessed are reawakening. Trust your intuition, follow your gut feelings and allow them to tell you what you need to know. For those who already have the psychic gifts activated it is a reminder to use these abilities more in your everyday life. So, pay more attention to your intuition this year as you will receive important messages for your journey – keep a pen and journal handy.

Pisces – Dreams

During your sleep, healing energy is subconsciously restoring balance and healing unresolved emotional issues. An issue stemming from a past life is processed and healed in your dream state. You may not be aware of the negative side effect that these issues have on your life but they can manifest in your everyday life as unexplained negative feelings, self-doubt and irrational fear. Just be patient with the process and allow the negativity to pass – the good news is that you don’t need to do anything – trust that this will solve all the sabotage from your past and a brighter more confident you will surface.

Many blessings and Happy 2019!


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By | 2022-11-05T11:16:01+00:00 December 28th, 2018|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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