
From Wounded to Healed. From Unconscious to Conscious – Chiron in Aries (2018 -2027)

About Chiron

The asteroid Chiron symbolizes our deepest wound, the seed of our spiritual transformation, and the Alchemist of our life. It’s significantly represented by a key shape glyph clearly pointing to “the key” that will unlock the treasure and answers to our deepest selves by healing our wounds that the soul has been sent to learn and grow from, thus opening a portal to deep, inner peace.

In Greek Mythology, Chiron was a philosopher, teacher, musician and healer, who contrary to his own gifts was able to heal others but not himself.  According to greekmythology.com: “Chiron was the most important Centaur in Greek mythology, famous for his teaching ability. He was the son of the Titan god Cronus and the nymph Philyra. Although centaurs had the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse, Chiron’s front legs were also human, showing that he was different and higher in class than the rest.”

Chiron is also considered the bridge between worlds as Chiron orbits between Saturn (the last visible planet) and Uranus (the first trans-personal planet) linking our personal experience to the collective experience or the cosmos. In this way, Chiron acts as a bridge between conscious and the unconscious, between material and immaterial. With Chiron being a Centaurus – half God, half horse, signifies the animal and the God coming together in one entity.

In Astrology, whatever sign Chiron falls in your birth chart can often indicate or give clues as to what wounds you have come to heal in this life.  Chiron entered Aries on April 18th, 2018 but has moved in and out of Aries and Pisces until 2019. Even though we started to sense a bit of Aries Chiron energy during 2018, we will really begin most of the work starting with February 18, 2019. Chiron spends the most time in these signs because this is where the asteroid has to work the hardest. Connecting the end of everything (Pisces) to the beginning of all possibilities (Aries) is not for the faint of heart and an easy task however this is the most rewarding hero’s journey that people can embark on. While Chiron was is Pisces it provided a gentile and patient energy, however with it in Aries, the energy will become more impatient and aggressive. In Pisces we were given the time to contemplate and reflect on our story but in Aries we need to start thinking quickly and efficiently aka stop lingering in our dramas and take fast and consistent action.

On a Mundane level, Chiron in Aries is connected to healing our Ego self by accepting and embracing the ego to work with us in the co- creation and not to go against us. It is a time of finding our uniqueness and understand our purpose and role on earth. With Aries being the sign of I AM, Chiron transiting this sign will create situations of asking the question “Who am I?” at different levels.

It is important to understand that as humans, we are meant to experience a full range of emotions and feelings: from shame, guilt, sadness to love, joy and peace, thus allowing and accepting them as part of our healing. We are made of light and unconditional love and we will always return to this place, however while on Earth, we need to give ourselves permission to be ourselves at the level and place that we currently are.

The Identity Wound

The wound of identity is the most profound wounds of all because it’s when we feel we don’t have the right to exist. Aries is all about self expression, setting boundaries in order to exert our uniqueness. We all have Aries in our charts even if we are not an Aries sign so we need to learn how to use this energy.

Chiron in Aries is where you feel you don’t have the right to be yourself and with Chiron here, the I AM affirmation will be challenged with the purpose of finding a higher dimension of this question and answer.

We are all born with the wound of identity. When we are babies, we barley have an identity. We are the result of the genetic combination between our parents and/or ancestors. Some of us are encouraged as we grow up to discover our own unique identity, however, this is not always the case because our parents or people that raised us see us as an extension of themselves and not as standalone identities and this is usually with the intention of trying to protect us. By not being encouraged to be ourselves (for some resulting in rebellion) it can lead to serious mental issues on the long run worse than in the case of neglect or violence. Most of the people with mental issues have upbringings where they were not allowed to be themselves and or express their unique self.

Beliefs of the Identity Wound

“I am nobody” – feeling disconnected

“I am not enough” – feeling empty

“If I don’t fit in, I don’t exist” – wanting to please everybody

There is a tendency to copy other people, lacking role models

Difficulty to connect with one’s body or feelings

A tendency to hurt oneself, physically or psychologically giving birth to addictions

In the end, it is important to realize that none of the outside accomplishments, fame, money, can truly heal this wound and that the only way to fully and completely heal it is by uncovering, allowing and accepting oneself.

Bellow are the domains of life where each zodiac sign will be triggered to heal this identity wound in the next 8 years (look for your Sun sign, Ascendant, and Moon if known):

Aries: decisions, self-actions, ambition, physical body, image.

Taurus: health, relationship with God, self-analysis, letting go of battle.

Gemini: friends, future plans, aspirations, ideals.

Cancer: career, public image, reputation, social status.

Leo: beliefs, principles, relationships with foreigners, studies.

Virgo: renunciation, power, sexuality, unpaid money, loans.

Libra: relationships, couple, association, marriage.

Scorpio: health, work, colleagues, daily schedule.

Sagittarius: love, children, creativity, hobbies.

Capricorn:  house, family, dwelling, soul.

Aquarius: travel, communication, electronic equipment, studies.

Pisces: money, personal goods and values, talents.

Chiron advice: Consciously and consistently repeat the question – Who I am?



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By | 2022-11-05T11:13:41+00:00 March 16th, 2019|Astrology&Tarot, Healing&Spirituality|0 Comments

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